90 Day Planning for Freelancers


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    Imagine you're going to climb Mount Everest. And Mount Everest is 8,848 metres high. Will you make it to the top in a couple of days? Unlikely. You need to plan how much height you can cover in a day.

    Your business can often feel like Mount Everest. But it is surmountable: you just need to break down your annual goals into more workable, and more actionable, time blocks.

    This is where a 90-day plan comes in.

    It's all about breaking down your goals into smaller tasks that you can measure and monitor easily. Our workbook takes you through everything a freelancer should be doing every 3 months to maximise their chances of success. The workbook includes:

    1. Your Vision
    2. Looking Back
    3. The 90 Day Plan
    4. Finances
    5. Monthly Planner